给定一个单词数组 words
和一个长度 maxWidth
, 重新排版单词, 使其成为每行恰好有 maxWidth
个字符, 且左右两端对齐的文本.
你应该使用贪心算法来放置给定的单词; 也就是说, 尽可能多地往每行中放置单词. 必要时可用空格 ' '
填充, 使得每行恰好有 maxWidth
要求尽可能均 匀分配单词间的空格数量. 如果某一行单词间的空格不能均匀分配, 则左侧放置的空格数要多于右侧的空格数.
文本的最后一行应为左对齐, 且单词之间不插入额外的空格.
- 单词是指由非空格字符组成的字符序列.
- 每个单词的长度大于
, 小于等于maxWidth
. - 输入单词数组
1 <= words.length <= 300
1 <= words[i].length <= 20
由小写英文字母和符号组成1 <= maxWidth <= 100
words[i].length <= maxWidth
输入: words = ["This", "is", "an", "example", "of", "text", "justification."], maxWidth = 16
"This is an",
"example of text",
"justification. "
输入:words = ["What", "must", "be", "acknowledgment", "shall", "be"], maxWidth = 16
"What must be",
"acknowledgment ",
"shall be "
解释: 注意最后一行的格式应为 "shall be " 而不是 "shall be",
因为最后一行应为左对齐, 而不是左右两端对齐。
第二行同样为左对齐, 这是因为这行只包含一个单词。
输入:words = ["Science", "is", "what", "we", "understand", "well", "enough",
"to", "explain", "to", "a", "computer.", "Art", "is", "everything",
"else", "we", "do"], maxWidth = 20
"Science is what we",
"understand well",
"enough to explain to",
"a computer. Art is",
"everything else we",
"do "
首先尽可能将 word
- 如果当前行是最后一行, 特殊处理为左对齐;
- 如果当前行只有一个单词, 特殊处理为左对齐;
- 其余为一般情况, 要尽可能均匀分配单词间的空格数量. 如果某一行单词间的空格不能均匀分配, 则左侧放置的空格数要多于右侧的空格数. 在无法均分时, 我们使用余数来巧妙的处理这种情况:
比如 line = ["Science", "is", "what", "we"]
, maxWidth = 20
此时单词总长度是 15
, 因此空格总长度是 5
; 平摊的空格长度为 5 / 3
向下取整为 1
; 但还余出两个来, 即 carry = 2
因此在 "Science"
和 "is"
之间, 以及 "is"
和 "what"
之间, 除了要安置一个平摊的空格, 都要额外再增加一个空格, 即最终结果为 "Science is what we"
- JavaScript
- Rust
- 皮一下
* @param {string[]} words
* @param {number} maxWidth
* @return {string[]}
var fullJustify = function (words, maxWidth) {
const result = []
// 记录每行容纳的单词
let line = []
// 记录每行容纳单词的长度
let lineWordsLength = 0
for (const word of words) {
// 如果加上当前 word, 即便每个单词的空隙为 1, 仍然超过 maxWidth, 那当前单词就不能加入该行了
if (line.length + lineWordsLength + word.length > maxWidth) {
// 如果该行最多只能容纳 1 个单词, 左对齐
if (line.length === 1) {
result.push(line[0] + ' '.repeat(maxWidth - lineWordsLength))
// 一般情况下一行会容纳多个单词
} else {
// 计算需要放置多少个空格
const totalSpaces = maxWidth - lineWordsLength
// 计算间隙
const gap = line.length - 1
// 计算每个间隙要放置的基础空格
const baseSpaces = Math.floor(totalSpaces / gap)
// 每个间隙放置基础空格后, 还剩下多少个多余空格
let extraSpaces = totalSpaces % gap
// 从左到右遍历每一个间隙
for (let i = 0; i < gap; i++) {
// 除了放置基础空格, 如果还有多余空格, 左右到右每次多放一个
line[i] += ' '.repeat(baseSpaces + (extraSpaces > 0 ? 1 : 0))
// 将当前遍历到 word 加入到下一行, 循环运算...
line = [word]
lineWordsLength = word.length
} else {
// 如果没超过 maxWidth, 加入该单词
lineWordsLength += word.length
// 说明还有最后一行, 左对齐
if (lineWordsLength > 0) {
const text = line.join(' ')
result.push(text + ' '.repeat(maxWidth - text.length))
return result
pub fn full_justify(words: Vec<String>, max_width: i32) -> Vec<String> {
let n = words.len();
let mut res = vec![];
let mut i = 0;
while i < n {
let mut line = vec![];
let mut curr_line_width = words[i].len();
i += 1;
while i < n && curr_line_width + 1 + words[i].len() <= max_width as usize {
curr_line_width += 1 + words[i].len();
i += 1;
if i == n {
let mut str = line.join(" ");
for _ in 0..(max_width as usize - str.len()) {
str += " ";
} else if i < n && line.len() == 1 {
let mut str = line[0].to_string();
for _ in 0..(max_width as usize - str.len()) {
str += " ";
} else if i < n && line.len() > 1 {
let total_word_width = curr_line_width - (line.len() - 1);
let total_space_width = max_width as usize - total_word_width;
let mut carry = total_space_width % (line.len() - 1);
let space_item_width = total_space_width / (line.len() - 1);
let mut space_item = String::new();
for _ in 0..space_item_width {
space_item += " ";
for i in 0..(line.len() - 1) {
if carry > 0 {
line[i] += (space_item.to_string() + " ").as_str();
carry -= 1;
} else {
line[i] += space_item.as_str();
"pub fn full_justify(words: Vec<String>, max_width: i32) -> Vec<String> { let n =",
"words.len(); let mut res = vec![]; let mut i = 0; while i < n { let mut line =",
"vec![]; let mut curr_line_width = words[i].len();",
"line.push(words[i].to_string()); i += 1; while i < n && curr_line_width + 1 +",
"words[i].len() <= max_width as usize { curr_line_width += 1 + words[i].len();",
'line.push(words[i].to_string()); i += 1; } if i == n { let mut str = line.join("',
'"); for _ in 0..(max_width as usize - str.len()) { str += " "; } res.push(str);',
"} else if i < n && line.len() == 1 { let mut str = line[0].to_string(); for _ in",
'0..(max_width as usize - str.len()) { str += " "; } res.push(str); } else if i <',
"n && line.len() > 1 { let total_word_width = curr_line_width - (line.len() - 1);",
"let total_space_width = max_width as usize - total_word_width; let mut carry =",
"total_space_width % (line.len() - 1); let space_item_width = total_space_width /",
"(line.len() - 1); let mut space_item = String::new(); for _ in",
'0..space_item_width { space_item += " "; } for i in 0..(line.len() - 1) { if',
'carry > 0 { line[i] += (space_item.to_string() + " ").as_str(); carry -= 1; }',
'else { line[i] += space_item.as_str(); } } res.push(line.join("")); } } res } ',